You have a unique purpose as a mother, a wife,and a daughter of GOD.

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A Wife, a Mom of three, and a Christian Therapist

You have a unique, God-given purpose as a wife and mother, and your influence is vital to shaping the next generation. Yet, modern society has distorted the beauty and true power of motherhood.

As a Christian therapist, I’ve seen how many mothers and wives struggle with their mental health, often battling anxiety and postpartum depression. And most feeling undervalued and overwhelmed as a result of societal expectations.

Joyfully Her is a sisterhood of like-minded women ready to give up society’s expectations of them and live their true authentic design the way God intended.


Stressed? Overwhelmed? Discover Your Personal Wellness Score for FREE!

Take the Wellness Quiz made exclusively for Moms & Wives and discover your personalized faith-inspired self-care plan to restore balance, reduce stress, and thrive in your daily life—Take the Quiz Today!

Motherhood is meant to be walked in Community

Joyfully Her offers Christian mothers and wives valuable resources including:

  • Faith-Based Mental Health Education
  • Motherhood & Postpartum Support
  • Marriage & Relationship Enrichment
  • Community and Support

Let’s do this together…


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Proverbs 14:1- “a wise woman builds her home

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