Joyfully Her is specifically designed for YOU- here’s why:

You have a unique, God-given purpose as a wife and mother, and your influence is vital to shaping the next generation. Yet, modern society has distorted the beauty and true power of women who serve in these roles.
As a Christian therapist, I’ve seen how many mothers and wives struggle with shaken confidence and a diminished view of the daily work they do at home, often undervalued by societal expectations.
On top of this, their mental health frequently suffers under the weight of unrealistic pressures they place on themselves or that others place on them.
So many women are struggling with motherhood and feel overwhelmed by it all.
Yes, some seek advice from social media or a friend (who also finds herself struggling), but often even in the mental health space, there aren’t many resources or advice that brings us back to the Creator, God Himself who created the role of mother and wife.
Sadly, His original plan is not at the forefront of our culture or even in some churches. Hear me out, there is still a stigma in the faith community when it comes to mental health and women struggling with and enjoying their role as a wife and a mother.
There is a lack of solid resources created to help women experience joy and peace on their motherhood journey, to help them have healthy marriages, families, friendships, and a healthy relationship with God and themselves.
So, I decided to create Joyfully Her. A space for mothers and wives to wave the white flag and surrender to God’s original design of motherhood and wifehood. It is a sisterhood of like-minded women ready to give up society’s expectations of them and live their true authentic design.
It is a place of community, mental health education, and biblical encouragement.
It is a place for you:
-The mom who often feels alone and isolated while washing one more load of laundry with a crying baby in the background.
-The wife who feels like she has lost connection with her husband and no longer feels loved.
-To the mom who lost her close friends in the season in early motherhood and feels like she has lost herself.
-To the mom who struggles with anxiety, and wants to find practical tools to help her manage her days with calm.
-To the mom who feels guilty that she’s not engaging much with her kids due to feelings of despair, feeling like hope is lost…
Joyfully Her is dedicated to you, all of you who experience these feelings and beyond, let’s walk together and return to the Joy of the Lord which will be your strength in this season. I am your sister in Christ, ready to help you along the way, let’s go, sis, you can do this!